Massive Book Deal for Conan Fans
If you're a Conan fan and would like literally thousands of pages of content it's worth checking out the Conan Kickstarter that finishes today (don't worry if you miss it you can still join in here)
They have funded over 14 beautiful hardcover full colour US Letter size books that will be stuffed full of fantastic Conan art by many of the great names listed in the last post, each with a major cover piece, and you can expect truly authentic content overseen by their Conan scholars.
Even better, if you remember the Conan d20 line that was out a few years ago - you now get all of these books too! You just have to pledge at the PDF Master level or higher and you're basically getting two whole roleplaying games for one price. Literally thousands of pages.

The Kickstarter also unlocked another fantastic deal, if you pledge at the £300 level to get all the books (or £600 with all the accessories thrown in), you now get ALL THE BOOKS FOR 2 YEARS IN PRINT - and with the extensive line up planned here this is a Conan collector's dream come true. All told it's worth £700 (saving you £400) without even considering the d20 PDF bundle.

Here's the Kickstarter link, hope you manage to grab one of these incredible Conan bundles!
Have a look at the popular pledges and what they get!