Thursday, September 29, 2011
Conan Art by Liam Sharp
For more work by Liam Sharp (including several Conan pieces), visit his DeviantArt page. Thanks to Ry Ry the White Unicorn for sending this along!
Conan Art
Saturday, September 24, 2011
the THREE Deaths of CONAN
I was going to post an article I copied and pasted but instead chose to simply tell everyone and share one of my favorite Conan comics. The Savage Sword of CONAN number 176 , the Three Deaths of CONAN. The cover was painted by CONAN cover artist and mainstay Earl Norem...he aside from Joe Jusko probably produced more cover art for the series than any other artist. There are stories inside drawn by Flint Henry and Gary Kwapicz and the artist I want to talk about today , TIMOTHY TRUMAN.
Tim Truman has been working in the business for many , many years and has Created such ICONIC characters such as Grim Jack and SCOUT and has worked for just about every major comic book publisher who ever put out comics worth reading.
Something about his line and technique just draws me into the action on the page. I don't really want to give too much away with the story. I have included a plot synopsis and encourage everyone to go to E-bay or your local comic book store and find yourselves a copy of this magazine. Believe me you won't be sorry. Of course CONAN does not die three times but the each tale is remarkable to say the least. Down below I have included some TIMOTHY TRUMAN Dark Horse CONAN art pages from I believe around issues 17 or 18. As you can see the guy is a talented Bastich! So tarry no longer those of you who do not already own this Mag! Go find one. STEAL it if you have is mandatory.

the plot synopsis :
"Conan, searching for the Prism of Khorshemish, pushes his way through the Flaming Mountains and comes across a spooky castle. Inside, a very creepy and insane collector of human heads magically binds Conan and tells his fortune by drawing four cards, one of which will be Conan's true destiny. The first card shows Conan's life as a slave, betrayed by a witch-woman, and killed by monsters in a gladiatorial pit. The second card shows Conan at sea, surviving a shipwreck, but ultimately dying in the tentacles of a sea-demon, turned into a mindless zombie. A third card has Conan torn apart by a horde of undead. While the seer revels in telling the barbarian his fate, he doesn't notice Conan managing to flex his arm and gain the strength to hurl a dagger at the wizard, killing him. Conan can't resist looking at the final card,and chuckles when he sees himself as a king."
Enjoy and...happy hunting! - Mikeyboy
Tim Truman has been working in the business for many , many years and has Created such ICONIC characters such as Grim Jack and SCOUT and has worked for just about every major comic book publisher who ever put out comics worth reading.
Something about his line and technique just draws me into the action on the page. I don't really want to give too much away with the story. I have included a plot synopsis and encourage everyone to go to E-bay or your local comic book store and find yourselves a copy of this magazine. Believe me you won't be sorry. Of course CONAN does not die three times but the each tale is remarkable to say the least. Down below I have included some TIMOTHY TRUMAN Dark Horse CONAN art pages from I believe around issues 17 or 18. As you can see the guy is a talented Bastich! So tarry no longer those of you who do not already own this Mag! Go find one. STEAL it if you have is mandatory.

the plot synopsis :
"Conan, searching for the Prism of Khorshemish, pushes his way through the Flaming Mountains and comes across a spooky castle. Inside, a very creepy and insane collector of human heads magically binds Conan and tells his fortune by drawing four cards, one of which will be Conan's true destiny. The first card shows Conan's life as a slave, betrayed by a witch-woman, and killed by monsters in a gladiatorial pit. The second card shows Conan at sea, surviving a shipwreck, but ultimately dying in the tentacles of a sea-demon, turned into a mindless zombie. A third card has Conan torn apart by a horde of undead. While the seer revels in telling the barbarian his fate, he doesn't notice Conan managing to flex his arm and gain the strength to hurl a dagger at the wizard, killing him. Conan can't resist looking at the final card,and chuckles when he sees himself as a king."
Enjoy and...happy hunting! - Mikeyboy
Conan Comics,
Savage Sword of Conan
Friday, September 23, 2011
" Cimmerian Ale "

Anyone thirsty? Another satirical CONAN piece I found over at " Nephite Blood , Spartan Heart " compliments of David J. West blogger extraoidinaire.
I could quaff me down a few flagon's myself!
Conan Parody
Even yet another CONAN from Springfield!

We saw the Springfield punx version. Now , discovered at " Nephite Blood , Spartan Heart " I come across this Frazetta -ish satirical parody of everyone's favorite Broadsword swinging , Axe wielding , Kiss stealing , Horseback riding , Wench whoring Son of Cimmeria ! It is pretty BAD ASS ! I must admit. Great work..whose is it? Come forward would ye please?
P.s. I feel bad for Comic book guy.
Conan Parody
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
the art of Gerald Brom ! ( Rhymes with CROM ! )

The following text was taken from Brom's bio on wikipedia...enjoy -Mikeyboy
Visit BROM'S website and marvel at his work here @
" Brom was born March 9, 1965, in Albany, Georgia. As the son of a U.S. Army pilot he spent much of his early years on the move, living in many countries such as Japan and Germany (he graduated from high school in Frankfurt, Germany), and U.S. states including Alabama and Hawaii. Brought up as a military dependent he was known by his last name only, and now signs his name as simply Brom: "I get that asked more than just about any other question. It's my real name, my last name. I got called Brom all the time as a kid, and it just stuck."
Brom has been drawing and painting since childhood, although he had never taken any formal art classes. "I wouldn't exactly call myself self-taught, because I've always looked at the work of other artists and emulated what I liked about it. So you can say they taught me." Brom cites the work of Frank Frazetta, N.C. Wyeth, and Norman Rockwell as influences on his style: "Okay... Rockwell isn't the kind of inspiration most people expect from me, but he just painted things so well. To me it's not so much the genre but the way it's done, and you have to admire his technique."
Brom has been drawing and painting since childhood, although he had never taken any formal art classes. "I wouldn't exactly call myself self-taught, because I've always looked at the work of other artists and emulated what I liked about it. So you can say they taught me." Brom cites the work of Frank Frazetta, N.C. Wyeth, and Norman Rockwell as influences on his style: "Okay... Rockwell isn't the kind of inspiration most people expect from me, but he just painted things so well. To me it's not so much the genre but the way it's done, and you have to admire his technique."
Conan Art
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Valzonline - (Carlos Valenzuela)

Carlos Valenzuela an artist from Chile who has worked for several gaming companies and comic book publishers and has done work for Wizard and CBG magazine. I love the way he put the Celtic war paint on Conan. Awesome work. A talented artist.
Conan Art
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Dr. Conan T. Barbarian, B.A. (Cimmeria) Ph.D.
Dublin’s Trinity College recently added a new professor to the faculty roster by the name of Conan the Barbarian.
According to his faculty listing, the Cimmerian will be teaching “The Relevance of Crom in the Modern World,” “Theories of Literature,” “Vengeance for Beginners,” “Deciphering the Riddle of Steel,” and “D.H. Lawrence” this fall and yes, he objects to “the current trend for remaking 1980s films that he believes were perfectly good enough in the first place.”
Unfortunately, it’s only prank by some clever students, and it has since been taken down from the university’s site. But that could be a relief: applicants who wanted to study with the new professor were warned that “anyone found guilty of academic misconduct or weakness in the face of the enemy will be crucified as an example to others.”
Long Room Hub Associate Professor in Hyborian Studies and Tyrant Slaying.
Dr Conan T. Barbarian was ripped from his mother’s womb on the corpse-strewn battlefields of his war-torn homeland, Cimmeria, and has been preparing for academic life ever since. A firm believer in the dictum that “that which does not kill us makes us stronger,” he took time out to avenge the death of his parents following a sojourn pursuing his strong interest in Post-Colonial theory at the Sorbonne. In between, he spent several years tethered to the fearsome “Wheel of Pain”, time which he now feels helped provide him with the mental discipline and sado-masochistic proclivities necessary to sucessfully tackle contemporary critical theory. He completed his PhD, entitled “To Hear The Lamentation of Their Women: Constructions of Masculinity in Contemporary Zamoran Literature” at UCD and was appointed to the School of English in 2006, after sucessfully decapitating his predecessor during a bloody battle which will long be remembered in legend and song. In 2011/12, he will be teaching on the following courses: “The Relevance of Crom in the Modern World”, “Theories of Literature”, “Vengeance for Beginners”, “Deciphering the Riddle of Steel” and “D.H. Lawrence”. He strongly objects to the terms of the Croke Park agreement and the current trend for remaking 1980s films that he believes were perfectly good enough in the first place.
He is happy to hear from potential research students with an interest of any of these topics, but applicants should note that anyone found guilty of academic misconduct or weakness in the face of the enemy will be crucified as an example to the others.Via
Friday, September 16, 2011
Conan & The Thing in the Cave!
When I think of Conan, that enemy-beheading, jewel-stealing,
wench-loving, blood-soaked barbarian from the Cimmeria, I think of
children's books. And apparently that's what Golden Books thought of too
in 1986, when they released this adorable little bedtime tale of a
savage warrior running from wolves and battling an undead being in a
The story is clearly taken from the classic scene in the Conan the Barbarian movie. Why they made a children's book at all is odd (but then again, they made a cartoon), but the fact that it came out a few years after the movies is even odder.
Note the other books listed on the back cover. I have several of the Master's of the Universe books, and will be posting them eventually.
So, enjoy this odd and rather simplistically-drawn tale of Conan & The Thing in the Cave!
Anyone recognize the artist that did the cover? Their initials are "G.D." The art is gorgeous, and very reminiscent of the great Earl Norem. If anyone knows, fill us in in the comments section.
The story is clearly taken from the classic scene in the Conan the Barbarian movie. Why they made a children's book at all is odd (but then again, they made a cartoon), but the fact that it came out a few years after the movies is even odder.
Note the other books listed on the back cover. I have several of the Master's of the Universe books, and will be posting them eventually.
So, enjoy this odd and rather simplistically-drawn tale of Conan & The Thing in the Cave!
Anyone recognize the artist that did the cover? Their initials are "G.D." The art is gorgeous, and very reminiscent of the great Earl Norem. If anyone knows, fill us in in the comments section.
Conan Art by Charles Howell!
This piece comes from my good cyber-homie, and fellow Batman collector, Charles Howell (aka Chunky B). Go ahead... bask in its awesomeness...
To see more of Charles' work (and his toy collection), visit his blog at
Conan Fan Art
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mike Hawthorne In living color!

Conan Artists
Friday, September 9, 2011
CONAN TSR role playing game circa 1985
The Game book which has the same cover design as the by Jeff Butler.

Half of the enormous Map which one day when the time is right I'll frame. art by Jeff Butler.

The other side of the map...with the Evil Sorceror and his pet Dragon thing!

Interior illustration by Jeff Easley...

Here is an ad I found on the web just so's ya get an idea what the game comes with.

Interior illustration by Jeff Easley...

Here is an ad I found on the web just so's ya get an idea what the game comes with.

Long ago in an age undreamed of I was a student at the " Joe Kubert school of Cartoon Graphics and cinematic animation inc. " I roomed in what they call...the Mansion a place up the road a ways from the building where the school is located in DOVER New Jersey.
Being away from home and having made a few dozen new friends all into comics and art and such we used to go trolling the back alley book stores and ramshackle shacks that sold new and used paperback books and comics.
On one of my excursions I came across this little treasure I share with you today. It's a CONAN role playing game. Played exactly like D and D...with dice and hit points and a Dungeon master and erry thin' !
I was never much of a gamer but the artwork is what I loved. The logo on the box cover by JEFF BUTLER and the giagantic map also by JEFF BUTLER. I was a great admirer ( still am ) of the art of anything CONAN! Check out the scans I provided for you and judge for yourself...a treasure indeed! ...No? Even if the box was opened and the dice were gone!
Conan Games
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Conan Caricature

A Jason Momoa CONAN caricature by Sebgecko. See bottom left hand corner of the picture for his site.
Conan Art
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