Carter wrote several CONAN novels along with L. Sprague Decamp ( Carter was his Protege ) and together they kept the world of CONAN’s Savage sword alive.
They created a son for CONAN by writing in a character by the name of CONN…the boys name was actually CONAN but to determine who was who and not to confuse the readers they came up with a nick name for him that Big Daddy CONAN affectionately used to refer to his offspring by.
Lin Carter in his endeavor to pay homage to his LITERARY heroes created a hero by the name of “THONGOR : Warrior of lost Lemuria” This character was a cross between REH’s CONAN and pseudo John Carter/David Innes Edgar Rice Burroughs creations.
In fact THONGOR (according to a recent issue of ALTER EGO magazine) was actually supposed to be the original comic book to launch Marvels new sword and sorcery titles not CONAN as it turned out. That is a story for another time. There were also plans for a Thongor movie back 1980 but that alas never came to fruition. In a near future article I will share that with the readers of CROM. It was a sad way for Mr. Carter to pass on but he contributed to the legacy of the most enduring and savage adventure characters of all time , CONAN the barbarian. I have provided an illustration by BRUCE TIMM the famed artist and animator. It is a recreation to CREATURES ON THE LOOSE number 28 featuring THONGOR.