And if you're looking for something Conan-related to carry your lunch in, get yourself one of these Conan the Adventurer lunch boxes! Based on the incredibly non-Conan-like cartoon where he had a talking bird sidekick!
And since we've already stunk up today's blog by bringing up the cartoon (which I secretly loved but will never tell any of you that), it looks like some schmoe raided the dumpsters behind the animation studio the day they cleaned out their archives, because he's selling all kinds of old animation cells including these rather nice Conan the Adventurer cells showcasing pretty good shots of our main man from Cimmeria...
"Hey! What's that up there?"
"Wait... Do I still have my shield? Yep. Still got it!"
"Okay, now what was I looking at?"
"Screw it!"
"I wanna hit something with my sword! CROM!"
That's it for today, I think I need to grab one of those animation cells!