I received an email from a fellow Conan collector down in Brazil named Marcos, who was unbelievably cool enough to take some pics of his killer collection and send them along to me, so I can share them all with our dear readers on the CROM! blog.
I love seeing Conan collectibles from other countries as they are usually so different than anything we're used to seeing, often prompting me to ask, "Why weren't these released here in the States?!" Once you see some of Marcos' collection, you'll see what I mean.
He sent me so many pics that I decided to break it all up in a series of a few different posts, so expect a slew of killer Conan stuff all the way from Brazil to pop up over the next few days.
The first pics he sent me kicked off with a copy of the Brazilian version of the classic (and infamous) NES Conan video game...

Marcos even has the instruction book!

One of the pieces that really caught my notice was this brilliant Conan puzzle that was released back in the heyday of the Conan cartoon. I would kill a thousand Argosean sea dogs for one of these!

The artwork is actually pretty kick-ass, and reminds me of the classic HeroQuest art. Marcos was kind enough to put the puzzle together for us!

But the real gem in this treasure horde, is this killer Conan board game from around the same period. Seriously, why didn't we have a Conan board game here in America? NOT FAIR!
**** Update ****
Marek saw this post by Reis and sent us more pics from the boardgame Jogo do Conan, along with a bit more info...
Jogo do Conan was published by Estrela in 1996, it’s a two player game for ages 10 and up, and is summarized as follows over on BoardGameGeek (here):
Conan the Barbarian must destroy a magical talisman and kill the monster on the mountain, going across a forest and avoiding fireballs, before the night falls. It is really a two-player game, but the rules state it can be played by more players as two teams.
Check it out!
Thanks Marek, Marcos & Reis…and sorry for not getting back to you sooner Marcos...big thanks for hooking Reis up! Cromsblood.
**** Update #2 ****
One more from Marcos!
Just a heads up Reis - I've gone and edited your post...great stuff btw!
The awesomeness just keeps coming! Thanks for updating, Cromsblood! That's what I call teamwork! ;)
Very nice to have achieved the photos inside the board game.
My game is sealed, so there was no way for you to send images from inside the board.
Thanks for putting the photos on your blog.
Thank YOU, Marcos! (Entiene must be a secret code name?)
That puzzle does have some awesome artwork in it. That's something I would frame after finishing it. Unfortunately, I suck at jigsaw puzzles.
Why did you have to go and mention HeroQuest? Now I'm itching for some of that board game RPG action. I wish I still had my old copy of the game, but I was a stupid kid and ruined it. Maybe I can break out Runebound (that is, if anyone will even play the game with me).
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