Saturday, October 18, 2008

Conan Miniatures!

Most Conan fans are also fantasy fans, and many fantasy fans play role playing games along the lines of Dungeons & Dragons. I am no exception. I've always wanted to play an epic Conan RPG, like the one currently produced by Mongoose Publishing (more on that in a later blog).

One of the things you may want to use in your Conan RPG are the gaming staple of painted miniatures. Browsing around a miniature website the other day, several people had posted pics of their Conan minis and I'm just passing them along to you guys. I'm not claiming to have made these and I give great thanks to the creators for not getting mad at me for stealing their images. I just thought they were so cool that I had to show them off!

If you have example of your own, feel free to post them in the comments section. We'd all love to see them!

Check them out...








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