Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another Joe Jusko Masterpiece -

Ok so I lied...( It was a little white lie ) I said in the last post about the picts that I was not going to post anymore for another week or two...But...But...Joe Jusko e-mailed me this corner box painting. An homage of the original by John Buscema ( 3rd illustration above ) found on the comic books up in the corner of the early Marvel Conan comics in the early through late 70's.

So...I had to share it right away my excitement could not be contained. Joe Jusko is carrying on a tradition and delivers with feeling and passion. Thank you for sharing Joe...Hope you don't mind I posted your painting here on CROM.


  1. Flattered that everyone likes it so much! I've had painting it in the back of my mind for decades!

  2. Truly excellent!!!
    Who drew the black and white thumbnail? Buscema and Chan?

  3. My question was not precise:
    was the original by Buscema alone or inked by someone else?

  4. I do believe...that it was by Big John on his own.

  5. My guess would be all JB as well, though it could also be inked by Verpoorten base on the year it was created. Hard to tell because of the crappy quality of the scan that is obviously blown up from a printed image. I've never seen a high quality full sized version of that piece.
