Sunday, November 6, 2011

Conan 2012 Calender Spotted at Barnes & Noble!

I was browsing around B&N yesterday with the Mrs. when I spotted this classic Buscema Conan cover beaming at me from within a sea of kittens, unicorns, football teams and Dilbert calenders...

No, I did not buy it on the spot, but rather quickly added it to my Christmas list by jumping up and down and pointing at it frantically like a grinning idiot in front of my wife.

I think she got the point.


  1. Holy shit , Holy crap , Holy cow , Holy CROM ! Awesome!!!!!! I want it , I want it I want it!!!!

  2. I finally found one. Completely by accident. I went to my local Barnes store before christmas and did a thorough luck. Just today I went into Barnes to use my gift card I got for Christmas and BAM there it was 50% off...I got it for 7 bucks and change! I have to tell you seeing all that glorious art at just about original art size is FAN tastical! For anyone who does not already have this calendar...go get it. Trust in me , jussst in meee you won't be sorry!
