Saturday, June 18, 2011

Conan the Barbarian Red Band Trailer [2011]

Even yet one more trailer showing us just a wee bit more Cap'n. My only the pronunciation of his name. Do you remember when William Shatner was on the tonight show talking about his STAR TREK film "The Wrath of Khan" ? The way he pronounced Wrath because it flowed well with the word Khan? Think about it....

" The Wrath of Khan "...well.." CONAN the BARBARIAN "...( Don't give me that nonsense about Celtic pronunciation and the proper way it's supposed to be said. ) Howard was a writer...and he writers do. Food for thought. ;)


  1. I'm with you on the pronunciation. It's jarring. It feels off and it just makes me think of Conan O'Brien.

  2. yes, the pronunciation feels really wrong. conan does to much posing during the battles. the women all have modern day makeup and look way to clean & perfect for the era theyre supposed to be living in. most of the armor metalwork looks way to advanced for the age. sorry for the negativity. hope im proved wrong when i watch the full film.

  3. Ditto...As soon as I heard Mamoa whom I think resembles Mowgli (Jungle Book) say "Conan" it sounded like "Conin" more like the pronunciation of the red headed 6'4" funny man's name Conan O'brien and not the hulking, steely muscled warrior, CONAN...

  4. I just can't get past all the 'metal' music they've been playing during these previews. I guess it goes along with the 'cold steel'.

  5. Hang on....Ron Perlman's in this thing? OK, now I'm definitely in!

  6. i'm a hard rock don't bother me. I will reserve my opinions for after i've seen the picture...but I am liking the's getting me psyched!

  7. Hey, I love this trailer more than the previous I've seen!

  8. No, Howard himself pronounced it properly, according to many people over the years who knew him. To actual Howard scholars and Conan fans, that stupid Co-NAN pronunciation is gag-inducing. So far the only thing about this movie they've gotten RIGHT is the pronunciation of his name.

    That being said, this trailer gives me SLIGHTLY more hope than the others that have come out. Just slightly, though.

  9. Jason - your comment only goes to show that we ( all of us ) as fans of the BIG C have and always be different and unique individuals with eccentricities that others would scoff at.
    I feel it only right to mention that REH did him CONAN the was Roy Thomas...for the comic book.
    However CONAN will always be...CONAN no matter how we slice it. It's a Tomato , Toe mah toe kind of thing. But we still love the guy right?
    Certain little things we'll need to live with. I will say it with a strong " A " to my dying day...know why....because I have an American english accent and I aint got no Brogue. lol.
    But true fans like you...make me smile. I'm glad there are dudes like you out there staying true. It's a diverse world and variety is the spice or life. ;)

  10. Mikey I agree with alot of what you say with it being a "Tomato , Toe mah toe kind of thing" and the fact that we all still love Conan beit with a strong "A" or not. I for one, like you, will say it with a strong "A". The only part of your post I have issue with was the "true fan" part...I'm a true fan of CoNAN...perhaps it's semantics...and may have been more properly stated like (but purests like you...make me smile.)

  11. Love CONAN? Then you're a TRUE questioning anyones faithfullness....ever. BROTHER!

  12. This trailer and Momoa's performance in Crown of Thornes, makes me feel a bit more optimistic this incarnation of Conan will be pretty good. Already a step above Destroyer and the TV series.

    I think the ultimate Conan film is yet to be. I hope this is a hit though, not just for the Conan legacy but so it might spawn a sequel. Film history has shown that part II can be a film that's better than the previous one...ST Khan, SW Empire, Dark Knight.

    And yeah, hate the metal music too. 15-20 years ago it would of been edgy and cool, now overdone.

  13. nice video trailer
