Monday, January 3, 2011

The Art of Michael Maikowsky!

Today I would like to speak a little about an artist named Michael Maikowsky. Michael's art is an homage to a man whose face should be on the COMIC BOOK ART Equivalent of MOUNT RUSHMORE. Just exactly who should be on this monument with him would be tough to determine , Other than KIRBY. But JOHN BUSCEMA is in my estimation the GREATEST comic book artist/illustrator who ever lived. Here in this post you will find some highly skilled and very true renderings of famous illustrations created by John Buscema. Michael Maikowsky's perfect execution of Big John's CONAN , Ka-Zar and THOR kind of inspired me to post this today.

I have seen his work over the last couple of years and not only was I impressed but I was inspired as well. After contacting him Michael allowed me to post some of his works here on "CROM the Ultimate CONAN fan blog."

I would like to share with you...just in a case you may want an expertly crafted recreation OR original in the style of Big John Buscema. You can contact Michael Maikowsky through the info provided. In the copy below...taken from Comic art you'll find the links to contact Mr. Maikowsky yourself. See below.....

Michael is bringing us comic art fans a gift. Everything he does is inspired by John Buscema, a truly loved man and artist. Although Big John can no longer create new images or recreate old ones, through Michael, Mr. Buscema's magic can still grace the page. Please check out his whole gallery here on CAF (HERE).

If you would like to commission Michael his rates are as follows: 11 by 17 single figure with no background: $150. 11 by 17 recreation or reinterpretation: $300. All prices include shipping.

A note from Michael: "Fellow CAF member Michel Maillot triggered my interest for those John Buscema recreations. Michel saw my tribute portrait of Big John in issue # 21 of TwoMorrows ´Comic Book Artist Magazine´ and asked me for a copy of my drawing which I sent him along with a cover recreation I had finished just for fun. As a result of that, Michel ordered some more recreations in exchange for photocopies of his huge J.B. original art collection (the ´French Collection´, as I use to call it). Inspired by Michel's compliments, I got hooked and developed the nutty idea to recreate every one of Johnny B.´s penciled and inked covers, which I guess was my desperate expression of how much I miss the Big Man and his exceptional artistry. A big thank you goes out to artist supreme Joe Jusko who encouraged, promoted and honored me by presenting some of my artwork in his breathtaking gallery. As you can see, I definitely enjoy reproducing those magic images of John Buscema. It's something I find very inspirational and a valuable learning experience! It taught me more about anatomy, composition, dynamics, lighting, spotting of blacks, etc. than any how-to art book out there. (Btw, my recreations are 11x17 and done on quality two ply bristol board, solely inked with a brush. The title logos are hand lettered. No stats, no whiteout. To prevent confusion and misunderstandings, the artwork is signed with the usual "...after J. Buscema" remark.) Hope I can share some of the love I feel for Big John. I miss him terribly. Nuff said! Best, Michael"

And here is the cut and paste of my correspondance with Mike.

Michael Maikowsky: Hey Michael, wow, I feel flattered and honored getting featured on your "Blog", thanks, mate! Basically, some infos about me and my hobby can be found on the Comicartfans Gallery Room of my art rep Kirk Dilbeck (HERE). Also, our mutual friend Joe Jusko was instrumental in getting some attention for me and my stuff. Here´s Joe´s gallery featuring some of my recreations (HERE). If you still need additional info, don´t hesitate to ask. Best,Michael


  1. That very top one is a piece Michael did for me. A reinterpretation of CONAN the Barbarian 115.....can't tell the difference right?

  2. Michael is not only an extremely gifted artist but also a very nice person and a man I'm proud of calling "my friend".

  3. are every bit the equal in talent as your very good friend and I'm glad guys like you are out there.
    I like your work and plan on buying your comics as soon as I see them on the shelf.
    You are well respected Benito.

  4. I love John Buscema as much as anyone, but I don't see the point in this. To develop a unique style through the influence of other artists is admirable, but to "try" and match an artist style is not impressive. I could find a handful of good artists that would be able to mimic/trace Buscema's art, but John Buscema created a style and an attitude with his art.
    Every pencil line and brush stroke came from the soul of buscema, which makes his work so stunning to look at. It's his unique signature, his thumbprint. I love drawing in Buscema style, and enjoy adding the influence to my own style, but would never resort to this form of tracing. Only the untrained eye will not notice the obvious--->There is only one John Buscema.

  5. Mr Anonymous - I think you miss the point. I also think you are amiss...Michael's recreations are just that...recreations. Recreations are available to those who can't afford the original art from the original artist. Michael is an artist. His line quality comes from skill and touch. He does not trace either. I myself am an artist and have recreated John Buscema drawings. Michael has drawn pictures in front of people. His skill and talent are real. The need for a recreation of an old comic book cover is up to the person who wants one. Michael is available to those who would like one. I own one of Michaels recreations and love it. I know it is not John and I know it's a recreation...not a fake. He gives 100% to Big John each and every time he recreates a classic cover.
    While we appreciate and respect your opinion...we would rather go by an old saying... "If you don't have nothin' nice to say then don't say nothin' at all."

    John Buscema's work and Big John himself inspired artists all over the world. To recreate one of his covers brings the artist buy a recreation from a guy like Michael...brings joy to the buyer.
    You don't have to buy one if you don't want one.
    Thank you for sharing your opinion. There must always be balance in the world and your POV is just as important as mine...or anyone else's
