Saturday, May 1, 2010

Conan Randomness!

Okay, here's a bunch of Conan related stuff that has come my way, but isn't big enough for their own individual posts, so enjoy this mish-mash of random Conan junk!

We'll start things off with this cover for the upcoming Conan the Cimmerian #25 from Dark Horse. This is the final issue of the run, but fear not, they're firing up a new Conan title right after this one ends. This was sent to me from fellow blogger Wallace McBride from G33K4L1f3, which he found on CBR. Thanks Wallace!

Here's the preview...

You can see the full sized version HERE.

Now, I don't mean to be a jerk, or give the artist Geoff Darrow any guff, but I've got to come right out and just say that this cover absolutely sucks. I don't care about all the gore and whatnot. Whatever. But seriously, look at how lackluster the poses are. I mean, Conan looks like a scarecrow just standing there, sort of slowly tipping over. And why are all the enemies flabby, wrinkled British soccer hooligans? Is that one dude wearing khaki dress shorts? Ugh.

I have really loved the Conan the Cimmerian comics, but I have to say that many of the covers have left me unimpressed. This is yet another one. Meh.

Moving on, I downloaded a series of scanned classic Marvel Comics stickers from the '70s, and when you flip them over to make a puzzle, look what you get...

And since we're talking classic Conan art, here's a hilarious shot of Conan leading American rebels in the Revolutionary War from the 1976 (America's bicentennial) Marvel Comics calendar. Crom! Do not run them through with your mighty sword until you see the whites of their eyes!

Okay, that's all. :)

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