Monday, November 16, 2009

Frank the German Barbarian!

Hail Fellow Conan Fans!

I received a great e-mail from a nice guy from Germany who is all about dressing up like Conan and hitting the comic/sci fi/fantasy conventions. Anyone who's got the stones to walk around a European convention center wearing little more than a fur loincloth is okay in my book. So swing by Frank's Myspace page and say hello!

And as Frank says, Strength and Honor!




  1. well it does help if you don't have moobs.
    But I did attend 2 Chiller cons in my Viking duds.

  2. Über-Cool Frank! If I had Conan's physique, my entire wardrobe would consist of loincloths and swords.

    Now I must finish my beer and hopefully vanquish Mikeboy's moobs from my brain...Damn you Mikeyboy!

  3. " If ever there were a keeper of a comment it's yours Blood "
    ( Now I must finish my beer and hopefully vanquish Mikeboy's moobs from my brain...Damn you Mikeyboy )

  4. Keep in mind, were talking Canadian beer (the equivalent of American whiskey), so when I say vanquish, I mean VANQUISH!!! Die moobies, DIE!!!

  5. I hope to meet Frank at next year's FACTS in Belgium. This year didn't work out :(
