Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Conan Art by Jack Kirby!

Growing up on comic books taught me a lot of things, but lesson #1 was pretty much that the legendary Jack Kirby is the friggin man, and don't you forget it! Hell, I learned to draw from ripping off his comic panels and his influence can be seen in my personal artwork to this day. So, naturally, when I came across this Kirby piece of our favorite barbarian, I just had to post it (Kirby did the cover for Giant Size Conan #5).

This piece was actually penciled by Kirby and inked by contemporary artist Alec Fritz. Damn fine job, too!


  1. Yes he did a fine job almost Mike Royer -esque.

  2. That is kick ass! Thanks for posting it. Wasn't the Conan face on that Giant Size redrawn by someone to make it look less like Kirby, and more like Buscema? Might even have been Buscema that redrew it...

  3. It was re-touched my Jazzy John Romita the Art director of Marvel at the time.

  4. pardon me...BY Jazzy John Romita

  5. Yeah I love this one! Anyone got the original Giant Conan without the John Romita tampering?

  6. No..butI'd heard there was an issue of KIRBY collector that actually had a copy of the original pencils...out there...somewhere.

  7. legendary Jack Kirby is the friggin man, and don't you forget it.I try to but all comic knucklehead keep reminding of it.Kirby's Conan was poor far as I'm conserned.It no Barry or John Bescema.That drawing ain't bad,but I would want a whole comic of it.Kirby writing was so so to cornball even in his day.Thats why DC crap didn't -with the exception of Kamandi and even got bumped after a few years.

  8. true Jack did not have a great handle on anatomy and true 50% of his creations were silly and Hokey...BUT...his dynamic layouts and compositions created a new aspect in the field and world of comic books.
    I can't say he was not great. He was a great man and did many good things for comic books. An entire comic book drwan by him would have been cool. But we'll have to settle for old THOR comics for his best work ever.
    Kirby was the forefather of comic books and his work inspired everyone we know today. R.I.P KIRBY. I understand there are many Kirby detractors out there and that's accaptable. It's all good. We all have opinions and yours is appreciated.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the legend whose work lives on!
