Saturday, October 18, 2008

Old-School Conan Video Games Part II

So I was looking for some more info on Conan games and found this page of screenshots of a Conan game I have never seen before. Apparently it was called Conan & the Hall of Volta (whoever the hell "Volta" is, I have no idea).

Anyway, The game was put out for the Apple II on several big floppy disks the size of a small Volkswagon that made crunching noises when you put them in the slot (remember those good old days?).

Here’s the box...


Or it may have looked like this...

Photobucket Photobucket

Clealry based on the movie, well at least influenced by the movie, featuring a grim Arnold and the movie’s sword-through-the-name logo.

Here’s some groovy screenshots...

Ahhh... 1984 was a great year...

So, it looks like you had to go around and open locked doors and find gems and things and probably fight stuff. This sounds a lot like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book...

Here’s some more of the game in play. You can play a little game of "Find the Tiny Conan"...





All in all, this looks like a killer game for way back in 1984 and I’m tempted to hunt down a copy (and then subsiquently hunt down an old operable Apple II) just so I can kill a lazy Sunday afternoon playing it.

On another note, I also stumbled across this little animated gif of what appears to be screenshots from a positively ancient one-color Conan computer game.
It looks just like "Halls of Volta" but just crappier graphics. So I’m not sure what system this was for. If anyone knows about this, please speak up!


Okay, you guys can go back to looking at the hot barbarian chicks I posted in the other blog. ;)


  1. I remember this game! I was 5 years old and it had my attention. This was so much fun!

  2. I could never finish the last level because I kept falling to the bottom back to that annoying dragon level! I think there was something wrong with my 5.25" floppy disk because it made loud noises in this game. :(

  3. To answer your question, we had this on our apple II europlus in 1984. I think it looks way better in green screen, that purple jobby up there looks positively vomitous

  4. I remember playing this when i was 6 or 7. Been trying to track this game down again (even on an emulator) for ages…

    all i remember from the level with the tree is that once you get to the top, instead of exiting, you jump back down to the treetop on the right and walk around… there was like a gem or something hidden up there.

    this was indeed a fun game!
