Saturday, October 18, 2008

Conan Unleashes His Wrath Upon Soulcaliber IV!

So my homeboy, Todd, recently got a copy of Soulcaliber IV for Xbox 360 and had this little get-together at his house last Saturday night and it took me all of about 3.5 seconds to sit down and make a Conan character for which to throttle the daylights out of everyone else's characters. Now, I've never played Soulcaliber before so this was all new to me. But that didn't stop me from giving everyone in the room the thrashing of their lives. Turned out that it must have been beginner's luck, because about halfway through the evening they all started politely handing me my own ass on a paper plate.

I didn't care, I was having the time of my life. What a game!

So in the interest of being a complete and unapologetic nerd, I wanted to post some pics of my Conan character from the game. However, I'm far too retarded to figure out how to do a screen capture from the game, so I just held my iPhone up to the screen and took these ridiculously fuzzy pictures.






Tried to get an action shot, didn't turn out so well...


I even got one from the end of the fight where Conan flexes his muscles like a steroid amped goon. "Can you smell what the Conan is cookin'?!"


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