Saturday, October 18, 2008

Conan Oddities! (Part 2)

Hey everybody!

Well, I’ve got more Conan oddities for you. It just goes to show that we truly live in a weird ass world.

Along the lines of Strange Conan Collectables are these official Conan puffy stickers. That’s right, you heard me... puffy stickers! Now, the media of the puffy sticker was historically reserved for pictures of unicorns or Strawberry Shortcake, but apparently some marketing executive thought that there was plenty of room in the world of sticker collecting for our very own savage son of Cimmeria!

And if puffy stickers aren’t strange enough how about trekking through your neighborhood vehemently ingoring the torrential downpour thanks to your trusty Conan rain poncho...

Here’s a picture I found on flickr regarding a nightclub on the coast of the Mediteranian named "Conan Cafe". Can you imagine? "So, where you guys going tonight?" "Oh, I guess we’re going to head down to Conan’s for some dancing and cocktails."

Not even graffiti artists are immune to Robert E. Howards influnce, as these pieces of street art demonstrate...


And finally, here’s a sign that you’re raising your kid the right way...

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