Saturday, October 18, 2008

Conan the Comic Strip Character!

So I did a little digging aorund and came across a few examples of the classic Conan newspaper comic strip which ran from September 4, 1978 through April 12, 1981, and thought I’d share what I could find with you all.


I recently downloaded the entire collection in .cbr format from a peer to peer site. The collection is great but I can’t figure out how to post them here due to the format they’re in. One day I will and may just have to post a weekly batch of comics or something!

The comics were truly cool, with art by John Buscema, Ernie Chan and Alfredo Alcala among several others who at one time or another worked on the Conan comic book from Marvel.

Here’s a few examples...






The Sunday strips, of course, were in full color...


...and every now and then, you can run acroos a well-preserved comic strip that some one has saved and put up on ebay, like this example below...


Thanks for reading and I’ll be back soon with more barbaric geekery!

1 comment:

  1. aphypIf you buy one of the tabloid sized comics from the late seventies early eighties it has these strips collected. Like about a months worth. ....Mikey
