Saturday, October 18, 2008

Conan Board Game Review from Gencon!

I've been hearing about this Age of Conan board game for about a year now and my fellow Conan fans have been drooling like a bunch of wild Picts over its eventual release, which is now looking like the end of this year. *sigh* So we have to wait a little longer. Oh well, it's not like I need another board game that I can't get anyone to play with me and will just end up collecting dust under my bed (but I'm gonna buy it anyway!).

I found some delicious pictures taken by some good chaps that got a chance to play the demo version at this year's Gencon. Just looking at the pics, I can already tell that this is going to be one seriously complicated game. From what I hear it's a fantasy-strategy land conquering game, like Risk caught up in a blood-red berserker rage.

Here's the pics...



Just look at all those little parts and markers and figures and stuff!







Apparently, the game is all about nations going to war against other nations in the fictional Hyborean world of Robert E. Howard. Like Aquilonia calls Stygia a bunch of snake-loving jerks and then they get in a big fight. Now, you don't get to be Conan himself, although he
is a part of the game in that you can win him over to your side, getting him to fight for you and thus easing your way to victory. But being the mercenary barbarian that he is, you could also lose him to your opponent and therefore find yourself staring at the pointy end of his bloody blade. This is not good.

From what I hear, the game comes with about a gazillion little figures, in the various forms of Hyrkanian horsemen and Brythunian foot soldiers and the like. From the pics I've seen I have to say that these sculpts are simply
beautiful. Here's a couple of close up pics of the figures that somebody snapped at Gencon...



For a full and extensive review, you may want to hear it from the horses mouth from one of the guys fortunate enough to get to play the demo. If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, I can sum it up by telling you that everyone he saw play it,
loved it and wanted to buy it then and there. This is a good sign.

You can read the review here...

Board Game Geek - Age of Conan Board Game Review

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